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Author: Paula Braiden

Firstly – keep your business accounts active!

This is probably the most important tip Seek Social could give you… If a potential customer only knows you through social media and you stop posting, you stop existing for them. Furthermore, if there’s no new social media content from you there’s nothing to be shared to walls and feeds, so your customer engagement will decrease. Seek Social’s advice is to post something every day on your accounts – even if you have no real news to share. Don’t forget that when using social media for business, content is not just the way you sculpt your online brand. It’s also your way of saying hi to your customers, and how you remind them that you’re still there and want them to get in touch!

Show a little personality…

As we said earlier, posting to social media for business purposes should be different from posting on personal accounts. However, at Seek Social we also believe that it’s important to still put something of yourself into that social media content, and the online brand that they help create. Remember also that your online business persona should always be in line with your offline one. 

Be consistent…

It is important that your offline brand, online brand, and the social media content that support them are consistent with each other. If they are it will help you send a consistent message and appear genuine and trustworthy. Creating that impression – however you choose to do it – will really help you grow your brand online and get the most out of your social media business posts. Remember though that every business and online brand is different. It’s up to you and your analytics to decide what’s the right approach for your unique circumstances. However, the Seek Social team are more than willing to provide a few pointers if you need them

Post Smarter, Not Harder…

In the archives of the Seek Social blog you’ll find a wealth of in-depth tips for posting social media business content… but sometimes it all boils down to good old-fashioned common sense. You could have the greatest social media content in the world, but it won’t help you or your online brand one iota if nobody sees or interacts with it. So, don’t forget to post when your audience is actually online, and to use call to action techniques to remind them of what you want them to do. These really can work wonders – and turn ‘a one-time reader’ into ‘a regular visitor’, ‘a follower’, or even ‘a customer’. Maybe it sounds harsh to say it, but online – in the world of statistics, algorithms and analytics in which the Seek Social team operate – reactions are what counts. And these completely non-technical pointers can help you get them… 

Finally, be reachable…

Your business doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and neither do your social media business accounts. If your online brand has accounts on more than one platform, why not do what Seek Social does… Let your audience know that and invite them over to those other platforms! You should also be making sure that your basic contact details (business phone number, e-mail address, and the street address for your office) are regularly being included in your business’ social media content – so that potential customers don’t NEED to be online to get in touch.

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